Friends of Roosevelt Park Newsletter


Welcome from Friends of Roosevelt Park

Welcome to the first in a new series of e-newsletters put together by Friends of Roosevelt Park. Our goal is simple: to keep you informed about what is happening in the Park, to give you a look back at some of its fascinating history and to introduce you to some of the many people who work to make our Park such an outstanding oasis of green in the heart of the Upper West Side.

Founded in 1988 by a group of neighbors determined to reverse the deteriorating condition of the park, our group continues to preserve and enhance this beautiful Park. Management of the Park is shared by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation and the American Museum of Natural History.

Friends is proud of its role in providing the financial support to hire a full time Horticultural Director after the 1998-99 renovation of the northern portion of the Park. Since the group’s founding, it has invested close to two million dollars in the Park, currently about 1/2 of the Park’s total operating budget. Friends is particularly proud of their initiation of the GreenLife program, a job-training partnership with the Urban Assembly for Green Careers, a high school located nearby. (More about GreenLife in the next newsletter).

The Park has been consistently recognized as one of the top five small parks in NYC. We are hoping that through this online newsletter, more and more people will visit our park and find out why it deserves that honor.

-The Board of Directors, Friends of Theodore Roosevelt Park 

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Roosevelt Park